

What is the AMBench 2022?

The AMBench 2022 allows for the curation of materials data into a repository using predefined templates. The system also allows for browsing and exploring of the materials data using the predefined templates as well.


How do I get access to the AMBench 2022?

An individual may make a request to access AMBench 2022 using the online request form. Once the AMBench 2022 administrator accepts the account request, the user is notified that the account is created with the appropriate credentials.


What are some of the activities I can do on the AMBench 2022?

A user can enter and curate materials data, search and explore materials data, and perform a federation of queries across several AMBench 2022 instances.


Can I use AMBench 2022 using a RESTful API?

Yes, AMBench 2022 supports RESTful APIs. The AMBench 2022 REST-based APIs allow the integration with other Web services, data entry, query, and retrieval. The RESTful API documentation can be accessed here.


How do I get help with questions?

A Google Group has been established for discussion/questions about the CDCS systems developed by NIST. A Google account is required for posting.


How do I contact the AMBench 2022 administrator for questions?

You can contact the AMBench 2022 administrator using this form.